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Google debuts new Private Compute features in ramp up of Android security also make the source code public for external audits.

Google outlined plans to improve Android security, A particular focus to Tackle memory problems -- such as corruption and buffer overflows -- is over half of the vulnerabilities impacting the operating system so that Google has provided a privacy-preserving bridge between Androids Private Compute Core and the cloud." Private Compute Core is an open-source platform that aims to isolate itself from other apps and the main operating system on an Android device to improve privacy and security. 

The new features are:

  • Live Caption: Captions added to media using on-device speech recognition
  • Now Playing: Machine learning (ML) algorithms able to recognize music playing nearby
  • Smart Reply: Suggests relevant responses based on the messaging and active conversations 

While these features, in themselves, aren't privacy-based, Google says that new functionality will be implemented with each Android release -- and each one brings the sandboxed Android area closer to completion. 

Each feature utilizes ML and to keep data gathered by them private and secure -- including speech records, environmental noise detection, and the context of conversations, should users enable it -- they will be processed in the Private Compute Core and will not be shared with other apps unless expressly permitted by the handset owner. 


Tech Optimist, Senior Software Engineer, Blogger, Youtuber.

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